Wednesday, December 29, 2010


That's what the scale told me Monday morning. Not bad, I thought, especially after my near overdose on Lit'l Smokies Christmas Eve. Seriously, if I had one, I had 11. I quite literally lost count as I indulged on each wonderful, delicious, impossible-to-resist little sausages wrapped in pastry dough. Yu-uh-UM!

What is it that makes us, on occasion, eat like we're never again, for the rest of our lives, going to have another opportunity to eat this thing, this dish, this meal?

Take Thanksgiving, for example. Far and away the best food holiday of the year. There's absolutely no reason why we can't enjoy turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie, separately or combined into a grand feast, on days other than the last Thursday of November. Technically speaking, yes, I could prepare this meal any Tuesday in April. So WHY, on Thanksgiving, do I always eat myself to the point of pain? Like it's my very last Thanksgiving ever, so I better enjoy it now. I'm not talking just button-popping fullness... I eat myself right into the realm of laying-around-groaning stuffed-ness!

So there I was, Christmas Eve, gobbling down Lit'l Smokies like the end of the world is coming.

I choose to blame Brian for this. He refuses to eat hot dogs, or anything that looks like a hot dog or little wienie; so out of respect, hot dogs don't enter our home. This means I've been hot dog deprived for 6 years and I was simply making up for lost time.

That doesn't explain however, my standing around noshing on everything else that was laying out on the counter. Veggies and dip. No problem. Safe food. Never feel guilty about carrots and broccoli. Chips and salsa? I can take it or leave it. But it was there... UH OH... Ooooey, gooey, soft and warm, nacho cheese dip in the crockpot??? I LOVE melted cheese! Melted cheese on Lit'l Smokies!!! Ultimately, after one too many dips, I had to say to myself, and I'm almost certain I said it out load: "Step Away From The Cheese."

Bottom line: Parties are a challenge when you're trying to fight the fluff.

Saving Grace: WII Fit Games. While I pretty much sucked at most of them, I had a BIG WIN on the ski jump! 146 feet! And while I didn't catch the flying ones, I did keep the hula hoop spinning for the entire 2 minutes! (And burned about 4 calories while doing so!) Wii is a fun party game!

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